Alright, so this week, was.. pretty much filled to the brim with swag, and amazing adventures!
First, on Monday, (a.k.a.) last P-day, we went all the way down to Suwon, and played a massive game of soccer!! We played with a million missionaries from our mission, as everyone was invited, but only a few (compared to how many missionaries there are here) showed up. I got to see some well-missed faces like Elder Shaver, Elder Fowler, Elder McQuivey, Elder Monterrozo.. it was so fun! I ended up pretending to be a professional soccer guru, and scored three goals! ..That's three more than my companion, the actual soccer guru (Elder Chow) scored. ..You could say I'm pretty conceited about it. Haha! Later in the game, Elder Shaver was running around, and went to get the ball from Elder Chow, when all of the sudden you hear a .. WHACK! and you see Elder Chow standing over Elder Shaver who is now lying flat on his back with his hands over his face.. Yikes! We rushed over to learn that the ball had hit Elder Shaver right in the eye, and his eye was bleeding a (more than a bit, but less than a ton) and it was pretty much swollen shut. Before I knew it, Elder Chow was telling everyone that I was an EMT and I had already engaged in "EMT Mode". We cleared everyone out, I checked out his eye and made sure his head and everything were okay, and we got him some paper towels, ice, acetaminophen, and lots of water. He was doing super, super well at handling all of the stress and attention and well.. pain, and man, he was just such a champ! This other sister wanted to rush him to an emergency room.. haha.. but.. in Korea? I don't think so.. haha. We decided we'd wait on it and have him get it checked out by a doctor if it didn't improve in a day or so. Nice call
As we hung out on P-Day, I was with Elder Thorup a lot, (fantastic man, by the way) and learned that we also have the same birthday! August 1st baby!! ..Just a fun fact. I'm 9 hours older. Take that Thorup!
Next, on Tuesday we got to go to the Bishop's house for dinner, and BOY OH BOY was it delicious!! I had probably 5 plates of food, piled high with Bulkogi (I think that's how you spell it) and Kimchi (which I am a pretty big fan of after hating it for my whole life..) and Kim! Man, so so so good. Not to mention strawberries and cuties for dessert! Greatest dinner. We talked a lot about sports, and as baseball came up, Elder Chow commented that it was boring just as the Bishop said it was his favorite sport, hahaha. Too good! Bishop asked me what mine was, and naturally I said Ultimate Frisbee which, in turn, translated to "throwing plates" ...hahaha. Oh well, at least now I know how to explain it to Koreans.
On Wednesday, we made cookies for people who had had us over for dinner, and ..well.. they turned out a little interesting. We took them around, and got a text that said, "Thank you for the biscuits!" …Hahaha! We tried, alright? It's the thought that counts! Also, later on, we went to eMart for the first time, like.. a big Walmart, and I found some of the greatest cereal ever. OREO O'S. Does anyone remember these?? I sure do! We got them and basically pounded them in like three days. ...Haha. Cereal is expensive here,but can definitely act as your manna. So delicious!
Next, on thursday I'm sure we did something fantastic, but I totally can't remember for the life of me. ..Probably the Oreo O's.
On Friday, I split with my companion and headed to Dapdong, with Elder Schofield! It was soo rad. I stayed in a house with Elders Lund and Thorup, and seriously had the best time! First, we went to a hospital as our first appointment, and visited an old man who is in really bad condition. We talked for a long time and ended up reading him some stories out of the Liahona (Korean version, of course) and sang him a few hymns from our hymn book per his request. First, I am a Child of God, then How Great Thou Art, and another I can't quite remember. I think it was Abide with Me Tis Eventide. .. He fell asleep at first, and then as the second and third were sung, he started to cry. Everyone in the hospital room came and gathered around us as we sang. Elder Schofield has a really, really good singing voice! Later that night, we visited an Arabic investigator who taught us the numbers 1-10 in Arabic while we taught him about the Book of Mormon!! So cool!
Then, Saturday came around and we ended up at the church a lot, and played Choku! It's like soccer, combined with Volleyball. Probably the coolest thing I've ever played. You volley it, and it can touch anything but your hands, and you get one bounce in between each touch, while only getting three touches, just like volleyball. So rad! In English class that night, we taught a bunch of people, and I was partially in charge of the beginner English learners with Elder Schofield. We taught them, and had one member who was so stoked about his English he was trying to show-off a little by writing, "A U Rady" on his paper and saying it over and over again, hahaha! Too funny.

Anyway, people keep telling me I have the most beautiful older sister.. *cough cough Nix* so if she starts to get a million emails from random missionaries..., soo wasn't me. However! It was her smart idea to put my best girl-friend and my girlfriend right beside each other in my picture book so maybe it serves her right.. .. everyone who sees my book is convinced I have two girlfriends when I try to explain that it's a girl.. and a different girlfriend. So difficult.
Well shoot, other random news, we are supposed to have a combined mission tour in March, but it's not on the calendar so who knows if it'll happen or not! However, we have transfers next week, and Elder Cook is coming in May for another Combined Mission Conference with the Seoul Mission so that will be rad! To all you out there on a mission, preparing for a mission, or waiting for someone on a mission, remember that two years is but a small drop in the pool of eternity, but for some those two years are a flood; a never ending flow of hardship. You've got to ride the wave, and at times, when you are submerged beneath the flow of stress and difficulty, don't forget that you need time to breathe as well! ..Don't drown! Float on! Haha. Love you all beyond anything I could have ever imagined. You all rule, and rock each other's socks off!
P.S. We're buying soccer jerseys this week. Pics soon, I'm stoked!!
Much love, and impeccable style,
Elder DeMille
P.P.S. I was given a Korean name this week! It's 도진리! Or (Doe Chilly pretty much in English pronunciation. The Chilly part means truth, and Doe is the family name of the most popular character in a huge Korean drama right now. Given to me by an investigator in Dapdong! Haha too cool!!) Just call me Chilly DeMilly I guess. Werd out!
Elder Chow cleaning the font

The first baptism!
Elder Newton from back home
The huge cotton candy!!!
Crowded subway
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