Bupyeong Forever!
So this week has been totally outrageous! Possibly one of the longest, most adventure filled weeks I've ever had in my entire life! But.. because well, I'm imperfect just like everyone else in the world, I can't remember everything perfectly, nor did I write a lot of it down.. so, you'll have to suffer through this rad summary of the bodacious events that happened this week. ...are you ready for this??!
So Monday. ..We didn't have P-day. Bummer right? Ha! Wrong! This week was a temple week, so since we were given the opportunity to go to the Seoul Temple on Thursday, we had to wait for that day to be our P-day. So, naturally, we emailed Monday, thought about our families and loved ones back home all day, and had a great time! However, this week I went on splits/exchanges with Elder Brewer as he came to Bupyeong right after we emailed. I was his Senior companion although he's been out for over a year, and we had a super great time. We walked a ton, and were on the hunt for a present for Elder Chow (I wanted to get him something if he ended up leaving this week because it's transfer week), and ran into an American member of the church who wants to start attending our ward in Bupyeong (Sister F.), and even helped stop this guy from stealing some jewelry from a store. ..Honestly we just supervised, but I'm sure the Holy Ghost put some kind of sweet bind on this guy through our eyes. Later, we bought Oreo's, found a really stylish women's coat in our apartment, and had a fashion show. You could say we're pretty manly.

Tuesday was rad, we met with SJ, and talked to him a lot about Repentance and Baptism, plus the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. He's doing super super well, and even came to church again yesterday! We hope to give him a baptismal date soon!!
Wednesday was.. well.. pretty routine. We had a district meeting, and that was just about it! No other special news there.
Thursday was super super rad. Our Temple day, we raced to the temple early in the morning and I got to take part in my first Korean session. Naturally, I used a translator, but it was super cool to be a part of it! There were only 5 or 6 men, and tons of sisters! With the translator, it was as if I were just back at the MTC in Provo. After we went through, I got to see Elder Watts and Elder Shaver, plus Sister Hoffman! It was a blast being able to catch up with them, but we also had to race to go interview two people for baptism at 2 o’clock. We were on a super tight schedule, since traveling takes so long. We got to Gaesan, and performed the interviews, then headed back home. We only had an hour or so more of P-day, so we lazed about for a bit, and met up with SJ again at 6. We read the Book of Mormon with him for a half an hour, and met up with Sisters Rose and Debuse and a member to go grab dinner at around 7. We had Potato soup, but.. well, Potato soup in Korea is really filled with pig meat and ribs, and spine and stuff. Tons of meat, and super delicious. Afterward, we grabbed some ice cream, and headed home! Simple, fun day!

Friday morning we had a mission conference with Sister Burton, where I got to see everyone from my District back at the MTC! It was super neat, and way fun to meet up with everyone. We met in Yungdeonpo (I think that's how you romanize it) and it was super awesome. Later that day, we did weekly planning, had a simple English class on travel, and went home, anticipating our transfer calls that would come Saturday night.
..Psyche! We got a surprise call Friday night telling us that we would receive our calls that night!! We freaked out, and waited until almost 10:00pm for our call. When they called, they told us that Elder Chow would be going to Gimpo 2 to finish training Elder Hegewald (my boy!) And that I would be staying and would be the Junior companion to Elder Higham who is coming from Mansu. How crazy!! He's only two transfers older than me, and this will be his first time being Senior companion, so it will definitely be an adventure! But, I've heard his Korean is killer, he's from Canada, plays handball, and I've already met him a ton of times, so I'm stoked!! It'll be a growing, learning experience, that's for sure. But, I'm sure it's what the Lord wants for me right now.
Saturday was much longer because of this, but we got to go to a combined mission fireside with the Seoul mission! I saw a ton of my old friends like Elder Taylor, Elder Eager, Elder Fisher, Elder Miller, Elder Dixon, Elder Christensen, you name it! I even got to see my bro ELDER PONS!! It was so awesome, and we'll get to see them again on May 31st for a Mission Tour with Elder Cook.
Sunday was awesome, as Elder Chow gave his final words in church, we got to take a ton of pictures, and meet with Mr. Y one last time as he took us out for lunch. Then, DN took us to dinner and ice cream! It was the funnest night, and we spent our spare time in the end of the night packing and writing letters. This week was seriously amazing, and super super long as well. I love all of you tons, and can't wait to keep hearing about the amazing work that is going on all over the world. Especially with the new mission calls!
Special shoutout to Eden Neff and Paige Simpson for their calls!!!
I love you all tons, and pray and think about you all the time!
Talk to you soon!
Elder DeMille
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