Let me start off by saying, ...Elder Ellsworth is the MAN. He learns SO fast, is so incredibly fearless, and really seems to enjoy missionary work, as well as Korea - no matter how different from Kansas it is, haha. Just the other week he turned to me and said, with .. the biggest eyes I've ever seen.. "Elder DeMille.. ..I just saw the population of my entire town at that intersection." ...Hahaha. Love this Elder!
This week, we had a few cool events- most of which just ended up in my journal - but one of which is really exciting. We've finally found our first investigator! In the 3 sets of missionaries to serve in this area (as the 3rd set of Elders in this area -- kind of confusing..), which was first Elders Johnson and Jeung, then Elder Johnson and myself, and now Elder Ellsworth and me, we've become the "chosen ones" in finding the only investigator to have existed thus far.
...Can I get a high five?
..thank you.
Haha and, well, not only did we find one investigator, but.. we got a second one this week too! Two weeks ago, we came to this same PC cafe (room, 방, whatever you want to call it..) to email you all. At the end of our time, a new kid was working the register, and we decided (Elder Johnson and I at the time) to talk to him. We approached, gave him our cards, said hello, and he said in perfect (and I mean perfect) English, "..You guys speak English, right?" Hahaha. Meet D. He's lived in Indiana these past 6 years or so, finishing high school and such, while his mom was working on a Master's Degree at a University there. He's 18 years old - or, just turned 19 on the 6th- and is so fresh! The week after we met him and got his number, (a.k.a. last Monday) we saw him again, and invited him to come hoop with us after we emailed. Of course, being from Indiana he played tons of ball, and was thrilled to come play with some Americans on a nice court. So, we did that, met him again on Tuesday for a while for some ball and a lesson, and we left him with a Book of Mormon and a soft baptismal commitment. Crazy, right? He's a smart, relaxed, knowledgeable kid. When asked if he would be baptized after coming to know these things were true, he was a little hesitant- but for the right reasons. He explained to us that baptism was a huge commitment, and that he had to be sure he was doing it for the right reasons, and not just 'to be baptized'. He said he had to be sure that he was really willing to change and accept our church's standards, and it was probably the coolest response I'd ever gotten out of a baptismal commitment. Then, he was so incredibly interested in the Book of Mormon it got Elder Ellsworth and I too stoked about it. Hope everything keeps moving here!

Other than that, we had the photo shoot with Elder Buntz from the Seoul Mission for "The Wall" - as they're calling it - and that was super cool too. It should be up some time within the next two weeks in the Korean LDS "Newsroom"? I think it's a website -- but if you do some searching I'm sure you'll be able to find it. The internet is amazing. Then, we had mission tour on Wednesday, and that was sweet - Elder ...Uh.. Aoyiagi? I have no idea how to spell it - came and spoke to us, and it was a really neat meeting, though nothing crazy happened, haha. Just another training. Also, our other investigator this week came from a referral from Elder Lundberg in Seoul Mission (my old firefighter friend), so if you're in touch with him, give him a big thank you for me!
Today, or rather, this weekend, we've got 추석 going on, and there are.. zero people on the streets. Haha it's pretty cool to be honest. And tomorrow we've got a big event- some talent show and other things planned for all the missionaries (since no missionary work can really be done), so that will be cool!
Other than that, it's my girlfriend Abby's birthday today, and I'm wishing her the best!
But hey! That's all from Elder DeMille in SoKo! I love you all, and wish you all the best day ever! Haha, scratch that. Have a great WEEK!
All the love,
Elder DeMille!
Meanwhile, back home, the mother's of Elder Meek, Watts, Grossgebauer & DeMille paid a visit to Sister Bagley. She was happy and cheerful and full of light. She was also happy to tell us all kinds of stories about our boys.
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